Training in sociology confers deep understanding of social organization and human relations along with skill in managing and drawing inferences from data, making our major an ideal home for students considering careers in urban planning, data science, education, law, medicine, public service, journalism, social work, or marketing. UChicago’s approach to sociological education and training also gives students a firm foundation for pursuing specialized graduate work and academic careers. We are a small major and a tight-knit community in which undergraduate students interact frequently with faculty and graduate students in the classroom and through mentored research experiences. Our program is designed to meet the needs of diverse students and advance a personalized, student-designed specialty that reflects the common threads connecting their interests, coursework, and B.A. thesis research.
Currently, favorite traditions of the undergraduate program include the annual “sociological donut tour” of Chicago neighborhoods, the Week 8 celebration of our impending graduates at the BA thesis mini-conference, and the Sunday night UChicago party held at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, where undergraduate and graduate students meet up with current and former faculty and throngs of alumni. Join us!
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Marco Garrido