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Michael Albertus
- Politics of redistribution
- Democracy and dictatorship
- Civil conflict
- Property rights

Ruth Bloch Rubin
- American politics
- Political parties
- American political development

John Brehm
- Compliance
- Political psychology
- Public opinion

Austin Carson
- Politics of secrecy/publicity
- International security
- International relations theory
- International organizations

Tom Clark
American politics
Judicial politics
Political economy

Cathy Cohen
- American politics
- African American politics
- Marginal groups
- Social movements

Chiara Cordelli
- Contemporary political philosophy
- Distributive and social justice
- Egalitarianism

Andrew Eggers
- Electoral systems
- Corruption/accountability
- Political development
- Research methodology

Ramón Garibaldo Valdéz
- U.S. Race and Ethnic Politics (REP)
- Social Movements
- Immigration Policy and Politics

Scott Gehlbach
- Political economy
- Comparative politics
- Formal theory

Adom Getachew
- History of political thought
- International law
- Theories of empire and race
- Black political thought and post-colonial political theory

Robert Gulotty
- International relations
- International political economy
- Political methodology