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Robert Pape
- International relations theory
- National security affairs
- International terrorism
- American political violence

Jennifer Pitts
- Political theory
- History of political thought
- Empire and international justice

Paul Poast
- International relations
- Alliance politics
- Political economy of security
- Methodology

Patricia Posey
- American political economy
- Inequality
- Race and ethnic politics
- Research methods

James Robinson

Jon Rogowski
- Representation and accountability
- Political institutions
- American political history

Paul Staniland
- Civil war
- Ethnic politics
- South Asia
Susan Stokes
- Political development
- Political parties and democracy
- Comparative political behavior
- Distributive politics
Anton Strezhnev
- Quantitative methods
- International political economy
- Empirical legal studies

Rochelle Layla Terman
- International norms
- Gender and women's studies
- Human rights
- Computational Social Science

Lisa Wedeen
- Political theory
- Comparative politics
- Middle East
- Feminist theory
- Qualitative methods

James Lindley Wilson
- Democratic theory
- Egalitarianism and theories of justice
- Global justice
- History of democratic thought
- Constitutional and election law